Caterpillar Poetry Prizewinner
The Fox by Margaret Holbrook
Squirrelling Days by Anne McDonnell
The Great Fire of London by John Irving Clarke
Hamster by Phil Huffy
Kiss a Frog by Diana Smith
Stew Blues by Roo Parkin
The Hot Air Balloon by Rod Jeffries
Octopus by Lauren McBride
The Moon is a Buoy by Angi Lewis
The Sea’s a Salt Blue Dish by Mary Green
It’s Hot Outside by Louise Pocock
Fog Greets Sun by Moe Phillips
My Pages
It’s Gorilla Time! by Heather Reid
My Dental Dilemma by Jenny Lamothe
Gote the Nits by Marie Carmichael
Ryan’s Pond by Jenny Dooley
Dear Tallest Man in the World by Louise Greig
Grandpa’s Boat by Heather Innis
Crying in the Cloakroom by Carole Bromley
My Best Friend by Helen Kemp Zax