Issue 23 Winter 2018 

Beatrice ‒ A Work of Art by Louise Greig                                            
Abracadoodling by Harry Laing     
A Cat is NOT for Christmas by Stewart Ennis        
The Leap by Arno Bohlmeijer        
Can You Be Friends With a Potato? by Mark Hoadley
The Trap by Mary Green
They Say by Robert Schechter
Stone the Crows by Jackie Hosking
My Pages
The Case of the Missing Chocolate Spread by Jov Almero       
Bill the Bad by Jonathan Humble
Donkey’s End by E. K. Taylor
Zig by Daniel Galef
Night Vision by Stephen Whiteside
The Lonely Monster by Myles McLeod
Mum’s Menu by Sam Cummings
The Friendly Match by Marie O’Shea
Sensible Shoes by Ian Humphreys
Why? by Philippa Rae
Water by Melanie Branton
The Barn Owl by Jacqueline Shirtliff
Bertram Bean’s Christmas by James Aitchison
Wishtonwish by Anthony Watts                

Featuring art by              

Issue 22 Autumn 2018    OUT OF PRINT

Love Poem #23½ by Templeton Moss 
Pendulum Clock by Larry A. Kayser 
Dear Mr and Mrs T. Rex by Julie Anna Douglas
Quizmaster by Myles McLeod 
Pesky Fly by Leslie Leiberhardt Goodman 
Lanterns by Angi Lewis 
A Poem is for Life by Carl Ross 
Fledgling by Matt Goodfellow
Where is Burma? by John T. Mitchell 
My Pages
The Tree Witch by Jaz Stutley
Memo to T. Pot. From: Staff by Eva M. Schlesinger
My House is Alive by Georgina Lippiett
Eating Insects by Sarah Watkinson
Beware of Cats by James Aitchison
Mooncalf by Kate O’Neil
The Nothing by C. L. Clickard
Dark Fairies by Moe Phillips
Halfway Up and Halfway Down by Julie Hadfield
Our Grandpa by Nicolette Gunn
Meals on Wheels by Nikki Cookson

Featuring art by              
Hannah Carding, Kitty Cooper and Jay Schmetz
Cover by Ana Elisa Barros

Issue 21 Summer 2018  

Caterpillar Poetry Prizewinner  
The Fox by Margaret Holbrook          
Squirrelling Days by Anne McDonnell           
The Great Fire of London by John Irving Clarke                                    
Hamster by Phil Huffy                          
Kiss a Frog by Diana Smith    
Stew Blues by Roo Parkin      
The Hot Air Balloon by Rod Jeffries
Octopus by Lauren McBride     
The Moon is a Buoy by Angi Lewis
The Sea’s a Salt Blue Dish by Mary Green
It’s Hot Outside by Louise Pocock   
Fog Greets Sun by Moe Phillips           
My Pages                                
It’s Gorilla Time! by Heather Reid      
My Dental Dilemma by Jenny Lamothe         
Gote the Nits by Marie Carmichael     
Ryan’s Pond by Jenny Dooley           
Dear Tallest Man in the World by Louise Greig          
Grandpa’s Boat by Heather Innis        
Crying in the Cloakroom by Carole Bromley  
My Best Friend by Helen Kemp Zax   

Featuring art by              
Will Govan, Fred Calleri, Carl Larsson and Adam Emory Albright
Cover by Claire Fletcher

Issue 20 Spring 2018 

Baby Brother by Myles McLeod         
Spring Snow by Ellen Fee        
Seashells by Katharine McDermott
Midas by Julie Anna Douglas 
Margate Sands by Jackie Martin
The Magician’s New Assistant byJohn W. Sexton                              
My Pages                                            
My Shoes Fall Off by Evelyn Day      
The Knee Incident by Laura Mucha    
Shoes & Socks by Todd Schiedel       
Tell Me My Story by Susan Macdonald          
The Spider and the Fly by Barry Flinter          
The Centipede by Daniel W. Galef     
Mermaids by Ana Vidosavljevic          
My Apologies by Eric Taylor  
The Paint Job by Alexander Wharton 
Spring Whether by Kristin Martin       
My Big Brunch by Leslie Leibhardt Goodman  
Table Manners by Jo Moyser   
Featuring art by              
Cover by Russell Dorey


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